Thursday, April 24, 2008

DL - "Learning from Our Worst Practices"

Date: May 12th
Location: 430 South (ITV)
Time: 9-11 AM
Presenter: Myk Garn, Executive Director, Kentucky Virtual Campus

Note the following excerpt from Dr. Mickey Slimp, Executive Director, Northeast Texas Consortium of Colleges and Universities (NETnet):

If you've never made a mistake, this session is not for you. However, if you are tired of the "Best Practices" sessions where it sounds like everything went right, come meet with folks who will share everything that can go wrong - with fearless self assessment, laughter, and an occasional tear... Rest assured that your staff and faculty will leave the session confident that others have made bigger mistakes than they have and lived to tell about it. And, now, you can learn from them. Myk Garn directs the Kentucky Virtual Campus which provides online learning services to Kentucky's higher education institutions and state agencies. With over twenty years of distance learning, also including positions in Texas and Georgia, Dr. Garn will be presenting at Tyler
Junior College on Monday, May 12th from 9-11 am. TJC has generously offered to connect the live presentation via interactive video to any Northeast Texas Consortium site that would like to participate.

Thanks again to Ken Craver and Gay Howard and to TJC for making this
program available to others in the region!
- Mickey

As you can see, we will be participating through interactive television (ITV). We have room for around 12 people, and you're certainly wecome to join us.

Thank you,
Bryan M

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